Friday, May 3, 2019

Admit The Bible Got It Wrong And Move On?

When it comes to same-sex marriage and the LGBTQ agenda, why shouldn't Christians just admit the Bible got it wrong and move on?

A recent article in USA Today suggested just that. Christians, the writer declared, are not misinterpreting the Bible in the area of sexual dos and don'ts, but the Bible simply got it wrong when it comes to homosexual behavior. We know better now.

Does being a faithful Christian mean we have to accept that everything the Bible said was "wrong" thousands of years ago is still "wrong" today? Could taking such a position be one reason why so many young people are leaving the church? If so, should the church keep on hemorrhaging regardless?

Albert Mohler responded to the USA Today article, and I'm turning my blog over to him today because he said it better than I ever could: click here.