Van Maren calls Holland’s work “one of the most
ambitious historical defenses of Christianity in a very long time.” This in
itself would not be so remarkable, except for the fact that Tom Holland is an atheist.
An atheist defending Christianity? .
“While many [atheists] — including Holland — cannot quite
bring themselves to believe Christianity is true,” writes Van Maren, “they are
starting to believe that Christianity might be necessary.”
Necessary for what? Things like human rights, evenhanded justice
and moral goodness in society.
Van Maren says Holland’s passionate defense of Christianity
appears to be part of a trend. He cites Douglas Murray, also an atheist, who in
recent years has warned of the dangers of a declining Christianity. “Society
now faces three options. First, Murray says, is to reject the idea that all
human life is precious. ‘Another is to work furiously to nail down an atheist
version of the sanctity of the individual.’ And if that doesn’t work? ‘Then
there is only one other place to go. Which is back to faith, whether we like it
or not.’”
Murray lauds the “revolutionary moral insights” of
Christianity, and occasionally refers to himself as a “Christian atheist.”
Van Maren continues: “Even Richard Dawkins has now admitted
that Christianity might be preferable to the alternatives. He once called for
Christianity to be destroyed. Now he begrudgingly says it has good effects on
Van Maren also cites Charles Murray, the American agnostic sociologist,
who “believes the American republic will not survive without a resurgence of
Say what?
“Without Christianity,” Van Maren concludes, “we are
heading into a thick and impenetrable darkness. Christianity gave us human
rights. It gave us protection for the weak. Compassion rooted in commands to
love. Forgiveness for enemies. It revolutionized the world. We are now in the
process of undoing that revolution."
"We should look at what we are destroying before we carry on...We should listen to the atheists nervously telling us that Christianity is necessary.”
"We should look at what we are destroying before we carry on...We should listen to the atheists nervously telling us that Christianity is necessary.”
For Van Maren’s full article, click here.
When atheists express concern about the
undoing of Christianity, you know we’ve entered "The Twilight Zone." An unusual space indeed.
Note: We are taking the summer off from posting, and will resume in September.
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