When the bottom line of my checkbook is in alignment with my bank statement, I’m at peace with my bank. But when the bottom line of my checkbook does not align with my bank statement, I groan inside. I don’t feel good. I can’t rest until I reconcile my checkbook with the bank statement.
On one occasion when my checkbook did not align with what my bank was telling me, after repeatedly going over my arithmetic (I mean repeatedly), I was convinced the bank was in error.
I took my checkbook along with the bank statement to my local branch, and sat down with an employee who had the ministry of reconciliation.
To my astonishment, when this gifted person found the problem, it was as plain as the nose on my face. And the egg on my face was very plain, too. The sin was clearly mine! Admittedly, I was a bit embarrassed, but down deep it felt good to have my checkbook reconciled with the bank. I was at peace with the Bank of America.
Last week I made reference to II Cor. 5:17-20 and Col. 1:17-20, where we find that followers of Christ have been given “the message of reconciliation.” Here we see Christians having the ministry of reconciliation between people and God.
Wow! But that’s not all the reconciliation Paul mentions. He writes about reconciliation between God and “all things,” in heaven and on earth (Col. 1:20).
Things? Not just people?
What things on earth need to be reconciled to God?
Actually, everything on earth needs to be reconciled (or, "aligned") with God! This includes all work-related things. Things like how we repairs automobiles, how we sell clothing, and how we manage civil affairs.
One great example of a follower of Christ reconciling his work-related things to God, is Jack vanHartesvelt.
Jack buys and sells multi-million-dollar hotels for an investment firm. About a week prior to my video taping of Jack in his Seattle office, his firm was involved in the selling of a Manhattan hotel--for one million dollars per room.
Buying and selling hotels? Can this “thing” be counted among the "all things" on earth to be reconciled to God?
Watch Jack's compelling story, and let me know what you think.
Click: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJRU2EEqcaQ