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Friday, October 30, 2020

Debunking Howard Zinn

It is difficult to name a single person more effective in shaping the "oppressed v. oppressor" view of American history than Howard Zinn. The U.S. history text he crafted 40 years ago (which is popular at both high school and college levels) is Critical Theory on steroids.

In 2019, when a newly elected Oklahoma City council member, JoBeth Hamon, was sworn into office, she placed her hand not upon a Bible, but upon Howard Zinn’s book, A People’s History of the United States. 

Hamon's action illustrates the continuing prevalent influence that Zinn’s book has upon the thinking of many Americans—and the loss of the Bible’s place of honor.

A People’s History of the United States first appeared in 1980. Even in its 32nd year, it was identified as the bestselling American history survey book, both as a trade book and a textbook.  

Stanford University education professor Sam Wineburg referred to the book as having a “preternatural shelf life.” To say Zinn’s book is “trendy” is an understatement. Few history books can touch its record.

Yet, A People’s History of the United States has been perhaps the single most influential text in shaping negative views of the United States. It epitomizes Critical Theory applied to history.

From Christopher Columbus, to the treatment of Native Americans, to the practice of slavery and the motivation for the Civil War, to World War II and the Cold War that followed, Zinn’s book is one relentless criticism after another. It is nearly impossible to read Zinn’s book without concluding the United States is an evil empire, and has been evil from the start. A nation worthy to be brought down.   

But is Zinn’s criticism historically sound? Is it accurate?

That question has been answered with a resounding “No!” by Mary Grabar, in her long overdue 2019 book, Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation against America.

Garbar goes into meticulous detail, with extensive documentation, pointing out multiple specifics of Zinn’s “fundamentally and grossly dishonest” work.

It is the specificity of Grabar’s book that is so impressive. She doesn’t just make general observations about Zinn’s dishonesty, but takes a thorough look at Zinn’s specific claims throughout his book. Time after time, Grabar proves Zinn to be anything but an authentic historian. 

Zinn was a shrewd storyteller, with a nefarious agenda.

Rather than buying a copy of Zinn’s book, get a copy of Garbar’s book, which contains so many quotes from Zinn’s book, you will in essence have read both books at once.

To understand why so many people today are anti-Western, anti-capitalist, anti-Columbus, and anti-statues, Debunking Howard Zinn is essential reading.

 This blog is a service of  RenewaNation www.renewanation.org 

Friday, October 23, 2020

To Rescind The Pulitzer Prize

Nikole Hannah-Jones’ Pulitzer Prize-winning essay "The 1619 Project," was published by the New York Times in August, 2019. The National Association of Scholars says the essay is “profoundly flawed,” and is blowing the whistle on its author. If you think "The 1619 Project" is of little import, think again. You can get your 1619 T-shirt on Amazon.

On October 6, 2020, the National Association of Scholars called on the Pulitzer Prize Board to rescind the Pulitzer Prize awarded to Nikole Hannah-Jones for her essay, “The 1619 Project.” 

Hannah-Jones claimed that a primary motive for the American Revolution was to protect the institution of slavery. (Good for capitalism.) The National Association of Scholars points out this is “a claim for which there is simply no evidence.”

Hannah-Jones asserted that the “true founding” of the United States was in 1619, when the first ship arrived at Jamestown with about 20 slaves from Africa. She maintained that “our democracy’s founding ideals were false when they were written,” since at the center of our founding was slavery. 

Historians have called out the falsehoods of "The 1619 Project" since its publication. Even the World Socialist Web Site denounced “The 1619 Project” early on as a “racialist falsification of American and world history.”

The National Association of Scholars, in their October 6 letter to the Pulitzer Prize Board, declared the essay is “disfigured by unfounded conjectures and patently false assertions.”

Why should this fabricated "new version" of history concern us? Because "The 1619 Project" is used in public schools. 

Newsweek magazine reported September 7 that “every high school in the [Chicago] district will receive 200–400 copies” of “The 1619 Project” as a "resource to help reframe the institution of slavery, and how we're still influenced by it today." Other public schools share Chicago’s enthusiasm. Click here.

Are public schools in your area using “The 1619 Project?”

Check it out. If the answer is, “yes,” let the Superintendent and School Board know about the action of the National Association of Scholars. Send them this link to the NAS letter: 


Urge them to pull "The 1619 Project" from the curriculum, so our public schools are not passing on false information to unsuspecting, trusting students. It leaves lasting bad impressions when teachers present false "history" as truth. 

Passing on a knowingly apocryphal story to students as legitimate history is, frankly, immoral.  

Another re-write of U.S. history used in public schools and universities is Howard Zinn's, A People’s History of the United States. It’s the “bible” of U.S. revisionist history. It’s a Critical Theory "gem" that helps explain why so many young people hate the United States and see it an evil empire needing to be brought down. 

It explains a lot.  

More next week.  

Click HERE, and you will be taken to a short photo essay published by The New York Times based on "The 1619 Project." You will see the "power narrative" of Critical Theory in living color (the oppressed v. the oppressors). This photo essay will help you understand why so many young people hate capitalism, "Western civilization" and the U.S.A.

"The 1619 Project" will also help you understand what is driving a serious wedge between fellow Americans like nothing we have seen since the 1950s, through racial accusation and stereotyping. This time it's directed against white Europeans and "Western culture."

People of European descent who deny their guilt only prove it, and demonstrate their "white fragility." To salve their guilt, and to demonstrate whose "side" they are on, some will throw Molotov cocktails through storefront windows. 

At the end of the photo essay, you will see a message directed to teachers:

"Looking for ways to use this issue in your classroom? You can find curriculums, guides and activities for students developed by the Pulitzer Center at pulitzercenter.org/1619. And it's all free!

Pass this post on if you care about what's happening to our nation and you want to help others understand why statues are being desecrated (including Abraham Lincoln), why all "white" people are considered "racists," why businesses are being burned (whether owned by "blacks" or "whites"), and why President Trump issued an Executive Order to withhold federal funding from any organization that propagates Critical Race Theory (CRT). 

CRT is now dividing businesses, churches, and communities. It could split an entire nation at the seams. 

If you have not viewed the short, animated video "P + CT = X (A Formula for Collapse)," please do so here. 

This blog is a service of  RenewaNation www.renewanation.org 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Frog's Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables

WORLD Magazine designated Frog's Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables as one of the 6 most outstanding Christian-themed picture books of the 21st century for good reason. 

A husband and wife team, Michael James Dowling (author) and Sarah Buell Dowling (illustrator), have co-created an award-winning book we want you all to know about.

This is not just a fun book of entertaining "kid's stories," although these stories are indeed entertaining. Here are eight fables for the whole family, that show how crazy things can get when any culture or social group departs from Truth, with a capital T. If we ever needed to be reminded of this, and to remind our kids of this, it is now.  

Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables is a book rich in content that provides opportunities for the most important conversations parents, grandparents and teachers can have with children today. These creative fables contain essential, biblically-informed Truth necessary for knowing how to live as God intends. 

These fables were created with the goal of teaching the next generation what a biblical worldview is, and why it is so important. These tales illustrate True Truths necessary for the thriving of any civilization or society. To put it another way, they illustrate Truths that, when violated, result in the disruption or decay of any social group. 

These fables open up valuable opportunities to talk with the next generation about things that really matter. Jesus taught through parables that got people talking. Here are eight parables that can get significant conversations going in families, church groups and educational groups. 

Michael James Dowling has written more than two dozen books. He worked as a business executive, and spent twelve years on the staff of Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Charlottesville, VA. He also holds an engineering degree from the University of Florida in Gainesville.

Sarah Buell Dowling has illustrated books and children's toys. One of the toys she illustrated was awarded the Toys of the Year Award from Parenting Magazine. 

Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables is a hardcover book, with 72 pages and 56 full-color illustrations. Order your copy here.

To hear the first fable, click the video below:

If this video does not play, click 

This blog is a service of  RenewaNation www.renewanation.org 


Friday, October 9, 2020

P + CT = X


If this video does not play, click https://youtu.be/Fh3316SqK18

The short video above spells out the meaning and significance of the formula P + CT = X.

Some people believe P + CT = X is a formula for the loss of free speech, the collapse of moral order and the downfall of the United States. An overstatement? Decide for yourself. After viewing the video, we recommend the following: 1. Share this video with your friends through social media. Meet with 3 or 4 of your closest friends to discuss specific action steps. Get going, no matter how small your first steps may be. Hold each other accountable. 2. Share this video with your church leadership. Ask them to share this video with the congregation, and to provide a forum for discussion. Volunteer to lead this discussion, after reading the recommended books and watching the videos linked below. 3. Share this video with your city, state and federal representatives. For a list of your representatives, and contact e-mails, go to https://myreps.datamade.us/ 4. If you know people working in the public school system who would likely respond positively to this video, share it with them. Encourage these people to stay in the public school, and to not be silent. Suggest they read the book Tactics, which will help them know how to engage civilly and effectively with those who disagree, or challenge them. 5. If you are a parent with children in the public school, take them out. Subjecting children to the ideology of Critical Theory and the tenets of Postmodernism (it starts in Kindergarten) is irresponsible. This may sound harsh, but we say it with all the love possible. Look at Christian school alternatives. Consider the on-line school, iLuminEd Academy: https://www.ilumened.org/ 6. Learn about the School Choice movement. Find out what you can do to help with this important cause. If the monopoly of the public school system is not broken, the ideology of Critical Pedagogy and the tenets of Postmodernism will be perpetuated in the United States, even if some short-term gains are experienced. See https://www.heritage.org/education/co... 7. Gain more knowledge about the ideology of Critical Theory, the tenets of Postmodernism and the loss of Judeo-Christian values in American culture, by reading the following books:

An Introduction to Critical Theory https://issuu.com/christianoverman/docs/an_introduction_to_critical_theory Postmodern Times https://www.amazon.com/Postmodern-Times-Christian-Contemporary-Thought/dp/0891077685/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Postmodern+Times&qid=1602247352&sr=8-1 Why Social Justice is not Biblical Justice https://www.amazon.com/Why-Social-Justice-Not-Biblical/dp/1625861761/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Why+Social+Justice+Is+Not+Biblical+Justice&qid=1602247446&sr=8-1 Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America https://www.amazon.com/DARK-AGENDA-Destroy-Christian-America/dp/163006114X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Dark+Agenda&qid=1602247506&sr=8-1 Assumptions That Affect Our Lives https://www.amazon.com/Assumptions-that-Affect-Our-Lives/dp/0974342572/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Assumptions+That+Affect+Our+Lives&qid=1602247647&sr=8-1

Political Correctnes https://www.amazon.com/Political-Correctness-Deceptive-Dangerous-Worldview/dp/1095069675/ref=sr_1_22?dchild=1&keywords=Political+Correctness&qid=1602247567&sr=8-22

Also, view the video clips we recommended in last week's post: https://biblicalworldviewmatters.blogspot.com/2020/10/as-whale-goes-through-net.html

This blog is a service of  RenewaNation www.renewanation.org 

Friday, October 2, 2020

"As A Whale Goes Through A Net"

It is easy for Christians to agree that racism is wrong (of course it is), and then to naively affiliate themselves with a movement that is not what it appears to be on the wrapper. We would never condone the phrase "useful idiots" to describe these well-meaning people, but some have shamefully used the term. No. Naive Christians are not idiots. They are simply uninformed. This condition can be fixed.

Last week we shared about President Trump's executive order to withhold federal funding from any agency affiliated with the U.S. government that employs training based on Critical Race Theory. 

This executive order put the term "Critical Race Theory" on the map. The term even turned up in the presidential debate last Tuesday (we use the words "presidential" and "debate" very loosely).

Most Americans, however, are unclear what Critical Theory is, and why it is such a big problem. 

To understand what the big problem is, in a nutshell, click here.

To more fully understand the issues behind Critical Theory, and its offspring Critical Race Theory and Critical Pedagogy, we have included several links below that will be helpful. 

Bear in mind that not all of the people in the videos linked below are Christ-followers. Some atheists (particularly "classical liberals") are speaking out about the threat Critical Theory poses to free speech and open dialogue. They are deeply concerned about the current "cancel culture," wherein people are not satisfied with just calling others out, but feel a moral obligation to bring people down, eliminating dissent through intimidation or force, like religious cult members. 

The first two clips below are first-hand reports from employees at Sandia National Laboratories, one of three National Nuclear Security Administration research and development labs in the United States. These employees relate their personal experiences with training based upon Critical Theory. These two video clips will help you understand why the President of the U.S. is so concerned: 



An interview of Dr. Carol Swain, former professor of political science and law, who taught at Vanderbilt and Princeton University:


Interviews of Christopher Rufo, director of the Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth & Poverty:



Interviews of Dr. James Lindsay, mathematician and best-selling author: 



An interview of Douglas Murray, best-selling author, political commentator and founder of the Centre for Social Cohesion (U.K.):  


We conclude this post with a quote from John Adams, one-time President of the United States, who on October 11, 1798, declared:

"...we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

This blog is a service of  RenewaNation www.renewanation.org