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Friday, November 8, 2019

History-Turning Pivot Points

There may be no more fitting example for Christ-followers these days than Daniel, who was subject to a powerploy pivot point in Babylon. This is especially true for Christian teachers and administrators in state schools. They need our prayers for courage. It's also true for pastors, as well as parents.
(Painting after Briton Rivière [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.)

A friend e-mailed:

“This is what people say to me: ‘Why is the sin of homosexuality treated as so much more offensive than other sins? Someone is gay. Another is a drunkard. Another flirts with women who aren't his wife…Sin is sin. Why is THIS sin so bad?'" 

Yes, sin is sin. But not all sins have the same consequences, or equal ramifications for society. 

Homosexuality and transgenderism (not by any choice of Christians) have become history-turning pivot points in a power-struggle the likes of which this nation has not seen since the run-up to the civil war.

Christians have not made homosexuality the powerplaygrenade it is. Rather, homosexual activists, and their facilitators, have done so through public shaming, intimidation, and punitive penalties against those who don't capitulate to their demands. 

CNN featured contenders for the Democrat nomination for President where a candidate was asked if he thought "religious colleges, churches, and charities, should lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage."

The candidate instantly declared, "yes," and forthwith came resounding audience applause. No candidate took exception.     

Albert Mohler summarized the incident this way: “Beto O’Rourke and virtually every other candidate on CNN’s stage handed down an ultimatum: The time is up for conservative Christianity. Anyone who will not join the sexual revolution is an enemy combatant, not worthy of protection nor a voice in the public process…failure to capitulate will result in the coercive power of government to silence you.”

Read Mohler’s full account here.

What would happen if states no longer approved Christian schools as corporations because of policies on homosexuality or transgenderism? The doors of many Christian schools would close. Churches next. Those staying open will declare Scripture doesn’t really teach that homosexual behavior is sin after all. 

If you think closing doors is bad, consider what will soon be acceptable punishment for citizens of Great Britain who are found guilty of "intolerance" toward homosexuality and transgenderism starting January 1, 2020. Jail time. Check it out here.

Have you heard anyone proposing jail time for people holding biblical positions on adultery or fornication? No. Because these are not the powerploy pivot points of the hour.

Daniel understood powerploy pivot points, and he prayed with his window open.

Think about that. 

As for not re-interpreting Scripture to permit homosexuality, see The Evangelical Covenant Church's, “God, the Bible, and Human Sexuality: A Response to Revisionist Readings,” here.

If this video does not play, click https://youtu.be/C1roM98Dass

Piers Morgan, a television personality in the US and the UK, is an "old-guard" liberal. There is much I disagree with Morgan about, but I agree with him on this point: free speech requires an absence of threat, intimidation, or violence as a means of "shutting up the other side." To see a dramatic illustration of the difference between old-guard liberalism and the outworking of Critical Theory in real time, watch this encounter between Morgan and a young man calling for him to be fired because of his contrarian views regarding "100 gender types." Come January 1, it looks to me like Morgan may be running a risk of jail time. Because he is such a high-profile individual, this seems doubtful. But most people don't have Morgan's platform.

Or guts.

Earlier this month, a physician in the UK, Dr. David Mackereth, lost his job because of his beliefs regarding transgenderism. The tribunal that ruled against him said his "belief in Genesis 1:27, lack of belief in transgenderism, and conscientious objection to transgenderism in our judgment are incompatible with human dignity and conflicts with the fundamental rights of others, specifically here transgender individuals." See https://onenewsnow.com/legal-courts/2019/10/28/ruling-in-uk-a-bad-omen-for-bible-believers-ethicist

Pause for a moment and thank God we won the Revolutionary War. But can we maintain our religious freedom? 

Not without a lot of Daniels doing hard things very soon.

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