A Publication of RenewaNation: Helping Children Develop a Biblical Worldview.

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Friday, April 10, 2020

The True Art Of The Deal

When people align their workplace values and behavior with the biblical worldview, there are often choices to be made that lead to doing things much differently than the "normal" way people do the same work.

Today's "family conversation video" is the personal account of Jack vanHartesvelt, a businessman who quit doing his work the "typical" way it was done, and started doing his work the way a Follower of Christ would, as he negotiated major deals through the buying and selling of hotels for an investment management firm.

Yes, buying and selling hotels.

About two weeks prior to the interview shown in the video below, Jack was involved in the sale of a New York City hotel for one million dollars per room. 

Jack's story is a powerful example of what it means to integrate biblical worldview truths into the world of high finance. This is the true art of the deal.

After watching the interview below, consider the following questions for having a good family conversation. If you don't have a family, discuss the video with a friend--via ZOOM.

What struck you most about Jack's account? Why? 

Why do you think Jack's lawyers told him they would not work with him unless he first went to the board of the company to get their permission? 
Why do you think the board gave Jack its permission?

What risks did Jack take?

How might Jack's way of doing things make a difference in the way you do your work?

This is the short version (7.5 minutes). If this video does not play, click https://youtu.be/9yG9BNm_zFw

This is a longer version (12 minutes). If this video does not play, click https://youtu.be/18KKoaLMKzM

This video, and others we will be sharing in the weeks to come, are from the God's Pleasure At Work Curriculum Pack, by Dr. Christian Overman. For more about this curriculum pack, recommended age 13 through adult as a home-based study, click here. It is also available on Amazon, here.

Contact RenewaNation at www.renewanation.org