Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
In The Four Loves, CS Lewis asserts that “what draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it.”

Photo by Sam Balye
Hello friends,
Even though we have never met, we are bound by the belief in the infallible truth of God’s Word and the collective agreement that one must possess a Biblical Worldview to properly navigate this earthly journey. Dr. Overman has educated and challenged each of us to critically examine our culture and its assumptions, so that we may be better equipped to view all of God’s creation and the stewardship of it through a Biblical Worldview lens.
My name is Tonya Gordon, and I am the Director of the RenewaNation Educators Advancement Program (REAP). I have been blessed with the stewardship of the Worldview Matters blog, as well as some other new initiatives that we will be sharing in the very near future. If you are unfamiliar with RenewaNation, please go to to learn more about our vision, mission, and the ministry divisions that God has employed to carry out His Kingdom work. Every other Tuesday, our Founder and President, Jeff Keaton, sends out a RenewaNation electronic newsletter, a collection of informative Biblical Worldview articles. Please be sure to subscribe to it through our website to receive next week’s edition. RenewaNation’s Worldview Matters Blog will be featured every other week, opposite the newsletter release.
Again, we greatly appreciate and are excited to carry the Worldview Matters torch! Dr. Overman is a longtime friend and partner of RenewaNation. Please join us in celebrating and thanking him for the exemplary and life-changing work he has invested in us all!
What can I say but a huge thank you to Dr. Christian Overman for his many years of service to the ministry of Worldview Matters. Like me, many of you have been reading his weekly blog post for years. It has always been brief, challenging and helpful. God has used Dr. Overman in a special way in my life. His biblical teaching on the theology of work has literally changed the way I see the world. I actually am more hopeful than ever when I think about how God wants us to influence every sphere of society with His great design and plan. - Jeff Keaton
As we journey together, let us pray for and encourage one another! If you have questions about RenewaNation or Biblical Worldview education, please contact me at